Northwest Medical Plaza at New Hope

Rogers, Arkansas

The Northwest Medical New Hope consists of a physician's clinic located on the east side of Rogers, Arkansas. The primary function of the clinic is to cater to the growing population of Northwest Health patients from east Springdale to Rogers. The building consists of a large waiting area with reception, nurse's stations, exam rooms, a specialty clinic, X-ray, a small lab, and doctor's offices. The concept for the building form was initially derived from the Northwest Medical logo. The curved nature of the logo is incorporated into the design of the serpentine wall that divides the lobby from the rest of the clinic. On the lobby interior horizontal shelves form soffits on this curved wall inspired by layers of sedimentary rock often found in the Ozark Mountains. The materials chosen for the building consist of natural elements and tones in order to create a serene and calming environment for the patients. Daylight penetrates much of the clinic, including most of the exam rooms, to further enhance the natural aesthetic of the clinic and enhance the patient experience.

Photos by Ashley Thompson Photography